10 Things You Should Know About My First Cricut 101 Class With Michael's Community Classroom
A few weeks ago I was invited to submit a proposal to educate crafters on how to use their Cricut Makers. After submitting my proposal I received an email confirming its receipt and advising me to allow 3-5 business days for review. I never heard anything back and assumed that I simply wasn’t a fit candidate. Fast forward a few weeks my family and I are hanging out with Big Tex while enjoying corn dogs, funnel cakes, fried oreos, and turkey legs at the Texas State Fair when I received a text notification. It was a reminder that my Cricut 101 Class was the following evening at 6:30 pm. IKYFL (I love that acronym! For my grammatical readers, it’s short for I know you’re f***ing lying.) Here it is 8:30pm and they’re texting me to remind me of my upcoming class the following evening? Oh, might I add that the class was sold out! The pressure was real!
Now you all may not be aware, but I’m extremely introverted. I need preparation for these types of group settings. I need time to think of all the bad shit that can possibly happen. Plus additional time to convince myself that everything will be fine. I’m that person. Nonetheless it just so happened that I was available. You’ll also come to learn that I am a go getter! While I may psych myself out and prepare for the worst of things I will never bow my head in surrender. Though inconvenienced I knew from the moment that I received that text that I was going to rock that class! Well I hoped that would be the outcome, but I was certainly going to find out.
The evening of my class arrived and I anxiously walked into Michael’s 30 minutes early, introduced myself as the facilitator for the 6:30 Cricut 101 Class, and the oh so cute associate dropped her jaw in what I perceived was some sort of joyful disbelief and stated “Oh, you’re here?!?” At the time I wasn’t sure whether it was a statement or a question. I also wasn’t sure why I wouldn’t be there aside from the fact that I just received notification the previous evening. She went on to explain that they were informed that the class was canceled, but she was so glad that I was able to make it as some of my attendees were already there. We’re off to a great start here.
I set up for my class, my attendees started rolling in, and shortly after we began crafting. We explored the Cricut Maker Machine and discussed it’s functionality. We toured Cricut Design Space and each attendee created their own graphic that we then cut into a vinyl decal and transferred onto a Recollections 12”x12” Scrapbook Case.
It was supposed to be a 2 hour class, but in good faith we ran over. It was suggested that we spend the first hour and a half exploring the machine and software while reserving the last 30 minutes to make our projects. We explored for an hour and left an hour for projects yet it still wasn’t sufficient. Going forward I would introduce the Design Space software while making our projects to make better use of our time together.
Michael’s generously supplied the project supplies for the Cricut 101 Classes the week of 10/13-10/19. We were provided some Cricut Vinyl and a roll of Cricut Transfer Tape.
Products and machine settings used:
Cricut® Premium Vinyl™ Shimmer (we originally cut this on the glitter vinyl setting which wasn’t enough. Even when adjusting this setting to provide more pressure we didn’t get a clean cut. This vinyl cut best with the holographic shimmer vinyl setting with more pressure.)
Cricut® Holographic Sparkle Vinyl (we cut this vinyl on the same holographic shimmer vinyl setting with more pressure. I noticed that some of our designs cut through the carrier sheet in some areas as well. I’d recommend using the default pressure to achieve the best cut when working with this vinyl.)
The Cricut® Holographic Sparkle Vinyl worked decently with Cricut’s transfer tape; however the Cricut® Premium Vinyl™ Shimmer needed the Cricut StrongGrip transfer tape.
Despite the scheduling hiccups we had an amazing evening of crafting together! We chatted, laughed, and learned new skills. The response from my attendees was beautiful. We discussed the possibility of future classes and project ideas.
I’ve always felt my best when creating and this class was confirmation that my creativity goes beyond these physical projects. It’s a beautiful thought to relish in the fact that I’m recreating myself. I’m courageously designing the life that I love! The design process, for me, begins with a smorgasbord of ideas. From there I prune my design, keeping the aspects that I love, and eliminating those that I don’t.
“The best part about being broken is that I get to decide which pieces I WANT to put back together.”
After reflecting on my class and the joy that it brung me, I realized that I was doing this exact same thing with my life. 5 years ago I would’ve never imagined that I’d live this life, but it didn’t happen by chance. The joy that I am walking in is a direct result of my own conscious creation. A few months ago I wasn’t setting aside time for myself. I wasn’t nuturing my own vessel. I wasn’t treating myself to things that I enjoy. I quickly learned that operating in such a manner would only result in my own demise and foster negative feelings of resentment.
I love nurturing my family, but it can not be my sole function. I love running my esthetics salon, but I’m not fulfilled there when it’s my only outlet aside from my familial and household obligations. I loved seeing my face, in all its black girl glory, on Michael’s website. It felt good to smile with other women, to assist them in their creations, and to know that I brung a value that met them in their need. I’m eternally grateful for the opportunity extended to me by Michael’s and Cricut. I’ll be doing more of what I love and I hope that you all will as well. If crafting happens to be apart of that for you then stick around.
As always please share with me in the comments. I love to hear your opinions, stories, and advice! Let’s cultivate a community that prunes us for our destinies!