The coexistence of these titles inspired the blog itself. As woman, wife, and mom the responsibilities are endless, but all fails if you don’t nurture the woman first!

We share our experiences wholeheartedly in their truths both beautiful and hideous. We encourage you to do the same.

Our intent is to bring awareness to the realities of these roles and highlight the differences that we each experience though our titles may be the same.

We hope that you define your lives in a manner that is true to who you are and forfeit the confines of roles specified by societal standards. We welcome you to the woman wife mom community.

We strive to get to know each of you personally and enrich each others’ lives though our honesty and willingness to share.

woman |ˈwu̇-mən|

NOUN 1a: an adult female person

b: a woman belonging to a particular category (as by birth, residence, membership, or occupation)  —usually used in combinationcouncilwoman


3: distinctively feminine nature WOMANLINESS

4: a woman who is a servant or personal attendant

5achiefly dialectal WIFE


c: GIRLFRIEND sense 2

6: a woman who is extremely fond of or devoted to something specified

wife |ˈwīf|

NOUN dialect WOMAN

b: a woman acting in a specified capacity 

2: a female partner in a marriage

mom |ˈˈmäm|

NOUN MOTHER sense 1a